Last Friday I woke up to the sound of my carpet being scratched in an area of my room my cats never scratch.
I wasn't wearing my glasses, but I sat up to yell at Sammy, who was doing the scratching. Then I saw he was trying to use the invisible litter that comes out of the carpet to cover up... Something.
Something stinky.
So I put my glasses on, got paper towels, a bag, and some Lysol, and went to work. All the while trying not to gag.
Then I realized there was a liquid portion to the goop that could only be blood. Lots o'blood. Sammy had been acting pretty normally and I hadn't found blood in his stool before, but I could tell he still felt a little shitty. So I found a vet in town and took him over.
$88 later I was sent home with what I'm pretty sure is children's amoxicillin (because I had to take that as a kid and it looks and smells exactly the same as I remember) and something to make his tummy less bloated and gassy.
Cats are expensive.
I am now more poor.
But my kitten feels better. So... Worth it.
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