I realized something potentially bad last night.
I can’t tell when I’m getting hit on.
Very rarely if it’s really blatant, I might. But even then I usually can’t tell (with the exception of when I was working at Payless, but that was REALLY blatant and by very unattractive people).
How can I not tell, you ask? I just think people are really nice to me all the time. I’m used to people giving me things or discounting things, or just smiling a lot. That’s not flirting; that’s friendliness… Right?
I think maybe the problem is that I don’t feel as if I’m THAT attractive, that I would just have people flirting with me all the time. I know I have a decent face, big boobs, and decent legs. But I personally feel as if everything else is kind of eh, and my general ‘ness’ is kind of entertaining at times; so I think everyone else feels that way, too. That I’m probably a pretty cool person, but not necessarily do-able or someone they would want to actually be romantically involved with.
Also, if I assume people are just generally friendly, I can’t be wrong and I can’t get hurt.
Recently I started doing this thing that I think will drive my friends nuts pretty soon.
I text one of them when I think I may have gotten hit on and tell them what happened. Then they tell me I got hit on and ask about the guy. Unless I got hit on by a girl, in which case for some reason I magically am able to realize what happened and text a friend to tell them about it. It doesn’t happen that often because of the area I live in, so I have to share.
I guess I just don’t understand. How do I tell the difference between flirting and friendly?
I can tell when one of my girl friends is being flirted with… Why can I not tell when it happens to me?
And, while we’re on this subject, do I always pick the awful guys? They hit me, cry, or both. They can’t just be men. And what is it about the way that boys are being raised today that makes them pussies as adults?
Anyway, back to the original subject. I know, I’m super awesome at derailing, but we have to get back on track at some point… Choo, choo! (Omg I haven’t even had caffeine yet today. What is going on?!)
Just once I want to be able to tell when a man I might have interest in is attracted to me. And maybe be able to make a pass at him without being a super huge dork-- although that might require me not to be a super huge dork. So it’s probably impossible.
Or I would love to be able to go out with my parents and not have them talking about the guys that were staring at me the whole time we’re out and have any idea at all of what the hell they’re talking about.
It’s kind of a weird feeling, this obliviousness.
Can someone give me telltale signs? Some kind of clue?
Maybe if I knew what I was looking for it would help me.
In other news, I pierced my lip.
It’s adorable.
Suck it, haters.
(Not my lip. That's just gross; I don't even know you.)